Monday 21 January 2013

Snowing heaven lol XD / interview

Just before i start ...................

 Look a snow-panda! i made it now in real. i made it for you guys !!

 Lol soz if i failed XC. Tee hee. The panda's in the garden now lol.

Today i did my Second INTERVIEW!!!!
i interviewed............ 


 HouseOfAnubisXx: Hi panfu L-O-V-A-H-S!!! welcome to Lovley25's interview!! make sure to add her. Thx fot being here lovley! xxx

First Question. 

Lovley25: u and daddy  

HouseofanubisXx: Awwwh thx 

Lovley25: tee hee

HouseOfAnubisXx: Next Question

Lovley25: hmmmmmmmmmm

I like them all the same

 HouseOfAnubisXx: hard question right?

 Lovley25: yeah i like them all the same there's so many. My favorite is , i dunno.

I would say a cool place one u can get through by going to the underwater tube , i would say.

Lovley25: kk , pauls room.

Lovley25: Its got allot of toys for me to play with and i always have my happyest moments in there being with you

HouseOfAnubisXx: Awwww thx

Lovley25: xxx

HouseOfAnubisXx: Ok next Question.

Lovley25: Tigerlily678 


Hope you enjoyed todays blog!! join my blog if u have a gmail acc!!! xxx baii panfu lovahs!!

 My temper going off when people interrupted the interview:


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