Saturday 26 January 2013

Haiiii Wuu2 Guyz???

I know i missed goldie day yesterday but oh well at least i got my acc back so yay!!  Anyways today i Did My 3rd interview!!! with........................ Chloebaby163!!!

                Chloebaby163's interview!!!                  

HouseOfAnubis: Thanks for Choosing to have an interview Chloe xx

Chloebaby163: Your welcome x

                                                                                   HouseOfAnubis: Thx ok so first question

 Chloebaby163: ten

chloebaby163: It is a very fun place for me and i love being with you dad and lovley and everyone else

HouseOfAnubis: Thanks im sure everyone on appreciates you saying that xxx

Okays so now Question number two

ChloeBaby163:  Being with my family and friends on panfu because it is fun and it makes me happy.

HouseOfAnubis: Thats really sweet xx

ChloeBaby163: Thanx

 HouseOfAnubis: Okay so Nextie Question xx

ChloeBaby163: babybiscuit is my bff and i would like to give a shout out to my bffl in real , cara. I luv cara in a bffl way

Before i go ...... just saying if anyone one of you knew this person:

 her account got removed so she made another one so she is chloebaby163 so make sure to add chloebaby163 if you were friends with hannah2274

Also before i leave , remember i gave the answer to this question on youtube:

 Well she did reply :

And if you want to add this person on panfu , then heres her profile name and stuff xxx :

 Ok so now BAIIIII xxxxx 

p.s look at this picture cause it looks tense:

 lol bye xxx baii

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