About Me :)

Hello People of the world!!! Want to know all the blogs i am part of!? Ok!
. This one obviously.

And yeah.... That's it :D

So by the title above you see that it says About Me
Well About me.... Oooh i'll show you my birth-chart! i'll put my real name in code cause um well yeah

  • Your first name of ***** has made you happiest when you are expressing in some creative, artistic way, and not conforming to strict routine.
  • In a large group of comparative strangers, you are quiet and rather shy, unable to express yourself, not really wanting to become involved in conversation.
  • On the other hand, among friends with whom you feel at ease, you are expressive, witty, and quite charming.
  • These contrasting natures make it difficult for people to understand you and can lead to friction in your personal life.
  • You are deep, philosophical, and refined, but your extremely sensitive nature causes you to become depressed and self-pitying over any real or imagined slight.
  • If you are not careful, people take advantage of your generous nature.
  • You find the beauties of nature, fine music, art, and literature--all the deeper things of life--inspiring.
  • The reserved, sensitive side of your nature brings aloneness and friction into your life, although you crave affection and understanding.
  • You must guard against emotional excesses, which could result in depletion of energy, creating a desire for quick-energy foods.
  • You could suffer through skin irritations, blood conditions, back trouble, and later, through arthritis.
  • Heart, lung, or bronchial weaknesses could also result.


Ok ok... i'll not talk about the weakness's... anyway.

I live in England But I am Foreign. Yes correct. FOREIGN. I come from a country that looks like a cat.... o.o I know right..... WELL put up with it... I mean Italy is a boot kicking dog poo eh? x Lolz

So! Other things about me...


No I don't actually... 

Oooh here's a interesting fact!!

I go hyper and laugh for no reason before I faint

My birthday is: 9th Of December 2000
Yes I am 13 this year. YAY I WANT A BALLOON THAT SAYS "Finally a teen!" ♥

I have one sibling.

2 Parents (obviously)

A best friend in real life that looks like me and people keep on asking us "are you twins" >.<

Another Best friend which makes me laugh ALOT

Another best friend where i met her in Year 7

Another Best friend that is one year younger than me but she live's next door to me and is going to come to my high school :D

Another best friend that I've known since I was 2 years old.

Another best friend that went to my primary school like my "twin soul sister" and my funny BFF

Another Best friend that I met in Year 7 called Ella.

Another Best ........ OK lets just say that there's ALOT....

ONE crushy at school....

I wear glasses

I'm funny

I stand up for Friends When they need me most

And I love my online friends , in real friends and family ♥ Love you all x

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