Sunday, 16 June 2013

Hey guys... :D guess what!?

Me , Liz and Lucy (Elizabeth0807 and lucy158)

We have made a online company called E-net Environment.

So on the blog we are adults and all.... we have even created a big speech together about what panfu should think about before deactivating us.

You heard me right.

I'm deactivated as we all know.....Who knows after we send this off.....I MIGHT BE BACK...AND IF YOUR DEACTIVATED...YOU COULD BE TOO!!! Hopefully....don't get too much of your hopes up....

here's the link of the blog:

The speech is ACE!! Here it is... make sure to follow us and comment a complaint :

Hello Panfu,

We are here to complain together about the deactivation's going on. Panfu is getting very unsatisfying as people are getting deactivated, That leaves a very bad impression of panfu. Now we know about the inappropriate acts going on around panfu, but now since everyone has learned their lesson we think that it is time to activate everyone back. Kids have cried, left and have even made blogs about how panfu is disrespectful.

We have come together to start a online company to protect kids online the internet.We have witness that the users that have been sadly deactivated mostly are members. Members that have paid fair money for the advantages on panfu and even though you give a refund it isn't exactly going to make the kids happy again. Some kids have even been slitting them selves because of deactivations, If you don't activate everyone again to give them another chance, Panfu then would be famously known as a site where soon enough kids kill themselves or slit themselves. But we do realise that kids can go over the top and start things like swearing ect. They have thought of ways to start swearing which is unacceptable so your company should start working a little harder on the security system.

The kids have cried because of the deactivations and many have not done anything wrong. Some have even got deactivated for speaking French as we have also tested on a account. But on the French Panfu is aloud to speak French , but not on the English. What is the point of that. The reason that now very little amounts of people go online panfu is because of this. Many of the kid's online friends have been deactivated so they have decided to quit and to never come back. If you would like Panfu to be back in business, we do recommend that your company does some changes. If you won't then your company will stay down in business and who knows what the kids will do.

1. Panfu is a safe virtual world where you can play games , chat to friends ect.
Point: Chat to friends?? There is no friends. You've deactivated most of everyone's friends so there's nobody to chat too.

2. Panfu usually has gold panda days per month on a friday.
Point: Now many people think that it is false. Because you are all probably running yourself over with money because of the amount of money you have received for the "Forever memberships" It isn't for forever because you'll be deactivated by probably 3 months.

3. Many People are creating reviews of panfu which would be : 1 star.
Reason: Not a good site. Many people complaining. Kids don't understand things about suicide and how bad it could be, but since the amount of people deactivated who also have Anger Issues ect , could of killed themselves, but not only killed themselves or slit themselves, they HAVE slitted themselves.

4. Here is a quote from a panfu user: "When someone reports someone it comes up with the moderators will look but the moderators just block the person immediatley or give them a warning even if they have done nothing wrong." So if someone was cyber bulling someone else, the bully could report the person who has not done anything wrong then that person would get blocked and would be unable to speak on panfu for a amount of time even though they have done nothing wrong.


5.Here Are some quotes:

"I love you guys and all my friends but panfu has really upset me... So I'm going to be slitting myself"

"Hi everyone
I havent made a post in forever.
I dont go on Panfu anymore...... I was too busy and I've lost my interest in it. Plus my Rosey account got blocked forever. I dont know why. I sent an email but I didnt get a response. I went on my other account and none of my friends are on. I dont really think people go on it anymore...."

"Everyone's deactivated!! I think we've learned our lesson!! We all want our accounts back!! :("

"I agree!! Some of our parents should take charge!!Create e-net!! Panfu needs to know what horrible things its done!!"

"Hi guys not going on Panfu anymore neither are my mates, we've all been deactivated....wierd thing is that non members can get deactivated for up to 5 times.... But not members..unfair don't you think!?"


6. The chat opening times are incorrect. quote: "on weekdays when it says its going to open the chat at 3:00pm but it opens at 2:00pm"

7. Inappropriate adverts. Quote from a Panfu user: " I'm a non-member and once when I was online Panfu showing something cool to my dad , a really rude advert came up around the side of Panfu!!! I was so embarrassed and I also got badly told off!!"

8. Life time membership. When it used to say that you only have 60 hours left ect. After the 60 hours it would still be there with the same price.


9. When you request to end your membership, it still continue's to charge you even though you have requested , stated and gotten a reply from the panfu team about ending your membership.

"Really really bad! Be very careful, they operate an automatic subscription service which means they can access your bank account and take funds without any notification. My son wanted the gold membership so spent £42, as with all kids he became bored after a couple of months and stopped using, 12 months later another £42 charged to my account, for £84 this does not represent value for money, tried to request money refund due to services not used, answer "no refund, mere non usage does not qualify for a refund" so £84 down the drain."


10. "Common Sense Media says
Fluffy virtual world pushes membership buy. Quality: 2 stars"

You should now understand our point. Many complaints. and many others. Activating everyone on your website again could even lead to more users! and everyone back online and panfu back to its happy world again! if they swear then they should get deactivated but only for a period of time so they would be deactivated for a month and activated afyer that so they would learn their lesson.

Our Website/Blog :
Our Email:

Thank-You For Listening.

------------------------- OK ITS ME AGAIN LOL ITS AWSOME!!!!


Btw...if you can hack movie star planet..... COMMENT :D

1 comment:

  1. XD & how did u get ur blog so cool + this was my 1st EVER backround i EVER had on blogger
